Workshop: From Painting to Sculpture to Performance

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Meer informatie over de optie: 2 lessen vanaf ZA & ZO  01-02-2025

Cursuscode: W2324V
Docent: Daniele Scauso
Aantal lessen: 2
Lesdag: za & zo
Tijd:10:00 - 16:00
Prijs: € 200,00 incl. BTW
Periode: 01-02-2025 t/m 02-02-2025
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Traveling through dimensions in art

What does it take for a painting to become a sculpture? Can a poem transform into an object and perform itself?

This experimental workshop is for participants who are keen to explore and push the physical and conceptual boundaries of an art piece and art disciplines. During the course of two days, bi-dimensional works will be fragmented and transformed into multi-dimensional objects, where space and movement, sound and light come into play as additional tools for channelling creativity and expression.

By resourcing assembling-based practices in art making, the course is for participants that are open to improvisation and keen to engage with a multitude of materials and techniques to expand the purpose and potential of an object.

A workshop about form, communication, improvisation, and hand-thinking.

The course will be taught in English, but the use of conversational Dutch is guaranteed.

Join us!

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